By Some Theatre Company (other events)

5 Dates Through Feb 21, 2021

IMPORTANT INFO - when you purchase COMPANION SEATS @ $40 you are purchasing TWO seats next to each other in that section. You select one seat and you AUTOMATICALLY get the seat next to it.    When you purchase SINGLE SEAT @ $20 you are purchasing ONE seat.

Please park by the main Mall entrance between J C Penney's and Furniture, Mattresses and More - shows start promptly as the Mall shuts at 7 pm. Please be inside the theatre by 6.55 pm.

Agnes Evans is a completely average woman who strives to be nothing but average until the day she wishes her life were a little less boring. Her wish, unfortunately, comes true when her family, including her younger sister Tilly, dies in a car crash. 

As Agnes is cleaning Tilly’s room, she finds a module Tilly had written for Dungeons &Dragons. In order to get closer to the sister she never really knew, Agnes embarks on her own adventure with the help of a Dungeon Master to play the game as Tilly designed. As she delves deeper into her quest, the fantasy world and reality begin to collide and mix as Agnes searches to connect with Tilly and realizes how much of her sister she never knew.

She Kills Monsters allows actors to truthfully represent the LGBTQIA+ community in a show that goes beyond the ‘tragic Hollywood tale of characters discovering their sexuality,” and instead lifts them up and celebrates.

SHE KILLS MONSTERS will be performed Feb 18 - 21st


Thursday, Feb 18th at 7pm

Friday, Fri 19th at 7pm

Saturday, Feb 20th  at 2pm and 7pm

Sunday, Feb 21st  at  2pm 

 Cast List

  • Agnes Evans - Katy England
  • Tilly Evans - Lyrica Marsh
  • Chuck Biggs - Quinn Bard
  • Lilith Morningstar - Grace Galinski
  • Kaliope - Syndey Sprague
  • Orcus - TJ Sanborne
  • Farrah the Fairy - Becky Adams
  • Narrator/Others - Tamara Hembree
  • Miles/others - Zack Adams
  • Vera/Others - Lisa Prescott
  • Steve/others - Brandon Clark

Some Theatre Company takes our responsibility to our audience seriously, and we have implemented safety measures that adhere to the CDC guidelines and government mandates to keep our actors and audience safe as we reopen in 2020. 

Actors have been socially distancing during the process and will remain 6ft away from the audience, and have been screened for illness, including, but not limited to temperature being taken, and free from cough, chills, sore throat, body aches etc.

As per the state mandate, we ask that audience members wear a mask or face shield when physical distancing is not possible (6 feet between parties). Face coverings are requested in the following areas of our theatre: entering/exiting the theatre, the lobby, and while moving around the theatre space out of your seat.
A masked usher will show you to your seat.
Please maintain a 6ft social distance when going to the bathroom or lobby. Please wear your mask.
Please maintain 6ft social distancing protocols when not with your family unit.
Hand sanitizer is available throughout the building.
Bathrooms will be sanitized prior to the performance, and right after.
All seats are wiped down before the show and after.
All hard surfaces will be sanitized prior to the show and right after.
 UV lights will be used to kill air born virus particles in the 8hrs leading up to showtime.
The air filtration system will run during the performance.
Tickets will be sold online, in advance, to adhere to the safe state-mandated limit. 
There will be no paper playbills. We will provide a link to a digital program.
Concessions cost $2 each (water, snack) and will be pre-packaged per the state's rules.  Please bring exact change so we can limit the handling of monies.
Your name and address will be recorded in the event that contact tracing is necessary.
If you purchased a ticket in advance but are feeling ill, please stay home and contact us at - [email protected] -  we will move your ticket to another performance. Please contact us 4hrs prior to the showtime you are attending.

Please do not attend the performance if you feel unwell. 

By purchasing a ticket to our show you acknowledge that you assume all liabilities associated with being in a group setting. Should you become sick with Covid19, you acknowledge that you do not hold STC responsible.

Please park your car by the entrance next to Furniture, Mattresses and More. This is to facilitate a smooth exit after the show ends.